Thursday, December 15, 2016

Suffering From A Premises Liability Injury?

Premises liability is an area of law in which the person who is in possession of land or premises is held accountable for certain injuries suffered by persons who are present on said premises. It primarily deals with accidents that occur on someone else's property as a result of negligence or unsafe conditions. Baradat & Paboojian has represented many people who have been injured while lawfully on another's property. Baradat & Paboojian's attorneys investigate whether defective conditions on the property led to injuries and will determine whether the defect was known by either the owner or the occupier of the property.

If you, or someone you love, have been injured or are suffering from a Premises Liability Injury and would like the attorneys at Baradat & Paboojian to review your case, please proceed to the Case Submission section of the site.