Thursday, May 18, 2017

Suffering From A Construction Site Injury?

Injuries to construction workers are often the result of unsafe working conditions. Successful prosecution of personal injury and wrongful death claims requires a keen understanding of the industry as well as the law. When workers are injured, insurance companies are quick to blame them first to avoid liability for the construction company, contractor or others who are responsible.

Our clients have immediate concerns about worker's compensation benefits to make ends meet during recovery and long-term considerations of future medical expenses or the inability to continue working in their trade. Baradat & Paboojian has been successful in winning compensation for our clients and helping them piece together their lives in the wake of a serious injury or unexpected death.

If you, or someone you love, have been injured or are suffering from a Construction Site Injury and would like the attorneys at Baradat & Paboojian to review your case, please proceed to the Case Submission section of the site.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Do You Have A Personal-Injury Case?

If you've been injured by someone else's action – whether they intended it or not – you may be able to sue under personal-injury law. The injuries can be economic or psychological as well as physical; often, they are all three. An experienced personal injury attorney can help you decide whether you have a case and recover the maximum compensation. The attorneys at Baradat & Paboojian are respected as some of the industry's top attorneys in areas of personal injury. Their track record includes many multi-million dollar recoveries for personal injury.

The legal team at Baradat & Paboojian has been honored many times for their excellence in personal injury. Mr. Paboojian received the Central California Trial Lawyers President's Award recognition for his outstanding advocacy in protecting the rights of consumers in civil litigation in 2004.