Consumers should be able to trust that the products they purchase are safe when used as designed. Unfortunately, consumers are often injured by common products and devices they use every day. Sometimes the failure of these products causes significant injuries or death. Three types of product defects incur liability in manufactures and supplies, including design defects, manufacturing defects, and marketing defects.
Design defects: This is the case where a product imperfection occurs when the seller or distributor could have reduced or avoided a foreseeable risk of harm by adopting a reasonable alternative design, and when, as a result of not using the alternative, the product is not reasonably safe.
Manufacturing defects: Is an imperfection in a product that departs from its intended design even though all possible care was exercised in its assembly and marketing.
Marketing defects: Is a failure to adequately warn of a potential risk of harm that is known or should have been known about a product or its foreseeable use.
Product liability is the legal responsibility of any party along the chain or manufacture of a product for damages caused by that product. Liable parties include a product's manufacturers, as well as its suppliers. Products with defects that cause harm to a consumer of a product, or someone to whom the product was loaned or given, are the subjects of products liability suits.
Defective product cases can be very complex so it is important to seek the help of an experienced attorney. If you or someone close to you has been injured by a defective product and would like the attorneys at Baradat & Paboojian to review your case, please proceed to the Case Submission section of the site.